The Next Big Step!

Companionship – this word holds more meaning that it can ever be explained. Some things are best felt when experienced rather than described. I decided to embrace this feeling and nodded a ‘Yes’ to my partner to celebrate our partnership. It’s the leap of faith that we have taken, but together!

If I sounded gibberish to you above, it’s probably because am shy to openly express the change rapidly unfolding in my life. It takes two to tango they say… but I’ve always been doing the Cha Cha Cha on my own. And if I continue to sound vague and delirious, it’s probably because I have cold feet before my ‘sneeze it & you miss it’ wedding.

We decided to throw the traditional boots out of the window and be simple & sensible. We also decided to blindly ignore any Agony Aunt & any Uncle with a society blown belly, from our planning & celebrations.

We took the route that hit our destination the fastest and decided to get married at the Register office. We put aside the money that we would have used for the so called traditional wedding and donated the same to the state that was drowning in its own whirlwind. Those people definitely needed it more than us!

To make memories count and to embark our journey together, we decided to organize a small dinner party for the people who supported us in different phases of our lives. The ones who matter to us will definitely find their way through any hailstorm or heatstroke just to be with us in our celebrations.

Hey wait… what are we celebrating again??? Ahhh yes.. Companionship!(cold feet you see).

I’ve always heard various versions of how companionship is or should be. There seem to be multiple anecdotes associated to this but I’m waiting to see this rule book that everyone seems to know about (like at the back of their hand) but probably haven’t read yet. I bet if I ever get my hands on this book, the pages in them will be plain like vanilla and just empty! Everybody has been cooking their own soup.

For someone like me who questions blindly followed practices without any rational and reasoning, I was simply lucky to find a partner who falls within the same frequency. Happy & testing times will find its time and place in our partnership but it’s our companionship that makes the journey worthwhile. (This should be a T-shirt line).

Before I become teary eyed about the end of my complete Independence, I am also curious to venture into this Tango competition. Like I was saying earlier Companionship is best experienced than described… So here I come! They say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so wish me luck!


  1. Wonderfully expressed! Wishing you both the best of times in your new phase of life. Let the dance begin 😉 Given your penchant for dancing, I am sure you will do very well.

    Good luck, dear!

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